
Michael Scott was the boss of Dunder Mifflan Scranton. Dunder Mifflan is a paper supplier located in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He’s very funny, and he is a good boss, but sometimes I wonder if he really deserves it. I say that because he has really funny but unnecessary conference room meetings. One time he had a meeting because a guy from jail started working at the office. Michael called a meeting and said that prison is a bad place and we should all be scared of him.  He lets his personal problems affect his job. For example, he met a girl named Holly who was Toby’s replacement because he went to Costa Rica. And Michael thought she liked him which she did but she acted like she did but no one else thought that and when Toby came back Holly went back to Utica and Michael spent his weekend driving up their to see her and when he got there she wasn’t there so later he finds out that Holly has a boyfriend but Michael still likes Holly but she doesn’t work in Scranton anymore.

Fast forward a couple seasons later Sabre takes over Dunder Mifflan and the manager Jo really likes Michael because he has done good things for the company. So Jo rewards Michael with a wish and Michael tells Jo to bring Holly back so she does. Holly has this Woody doll and she said she got it from A.J her boyfriend. But Michael hates it so while Holly is gone he spills coffee on it steps on cuts it then when Holly gets back he blames it on Dwight. Then fast forward 1 season. A.J and Holly break up and Michael thinks this is his chance so he proposes to Holly. She says yes but Michael can’t stay in Scranton because Holly has to live in Colorado because of her parents and that’s why I said he was the boss.

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