
Kevin is the best character in The Office because he is the funniest. Change my mind in the comments. Please, I really hope you do. He is the funniest person because he’s an accountant but horrible at math. He ran over a turtle then glued his shell back together but he’s not good at puzzles. He put the turtle in the water but it just sunk down because there were open holes in the shell. Then one day while he was reaching for the glue he stepped on the turtle and the shell broke again. He fixed it with trash he found around the office but it turned out the turtle was already dead. One time Toby and Darryl were trying to sell Girl Scout cookies in the office. They were fighting over who was going to sell them to Kevin because he makes them the most money. Sometimes Kevin skips words to save time like instead of saying, “When I say a lot of words it wastes time.” So now he says, “So me think why waste time say lot word.” One time there was a very realistic fire drill and everybody was freaking out so was Kevin but while people were trying to get out of the office, the first thing Kevin did was break the vending machine to take all the snacks. One time he told the office about his dog Ruby and how he’s had her for so long. All she does is lay down in one spot and Kevin thinks she’s too tired to get up. He said she smells horrible but he’s scared to give her a bath because he thinks she might drown. Then it cuts to the camera at his house. While Kevin is gone, Ruby runs around all day.

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